Sunday, July 12, 2009

Sometimes while at work i want to open this door and jump....sadly this is impossible due to pressurization but alas one can dream. I have been asked quite a few times if we carry parachutes haha - no we dont... If we did im pretty sure it would be on the safety demo...either that or those annoying people on the plane would dissapear one by one without a trace.
I had an awsome trip last week. Flew from chc to Brisbane then Zqn aka Queenstown!! Best trip ever. -1 degrees and sunny :) My lovely BF drove up to Zqn to stay with me and the entire crew had drinks in my room then off me went to the casino with our free drink vouchers. I dabbled in some gambling ($2 haha) and we headed to dinner at a place called the cow (which coincidently is in cow lane) it was packed to the rafters because its awsome. Delicious pizza, although i do recommend AVOIDING sitting next to the open fire. Winnie's was next where i realised i was just a little too tipsy and we headed home...which took longer than expected due to the clear night and the beautiful view of the moon and stars...sorry alex :p
We got up at 7am to go skiing at Coronet....mainly because we had promised the First Officer a ride the night before but im glad we did because fresh mountain air is a great cure for a hangover!! And im sure the FO appreciated the free ride instead of paying $120 for a taxi like he did the week before! crazy man - thats what happens kids when u dont book the shuttle in time.
The flight from Qtown to Syd after our fun trip was gay. The incoming crew warned us about the shotty inflight entertainment...sure enough it wasnt willing to co-operate. We didnt have a full flight and after trying to reset screens with no luck we told people just to move to seats where the screens were actually working...this seems somehow hard to understand to the passengers. Its not hard! Just move! Im trying to cook your food and set up the bar cart so you can finally get those drinks your asking for.
So why dont you 1.) unfasten your seatbelt 2.) Get up 3.)look for an empty seat.
Im not your mum - no no im not. Just because somebody is already in one seat it doesnt mean you cant sit next to them without me coaxing you to do it! And no Sir i dont think that man "might" have swine flu just because he is wearing a mask over his mouth - he probally thinks you do.
I did like the honesty of 22b though. He simply said "I was already in a bad mood b4 the flight and now my tv isnt working so if u just pour me a strong drink i will just look out the window and pass out"
Note to people who get stiff muscles and 27d - please dont stand and stretch in the aisle in front of my galley which is also the only entrance while i am clearing in meal trays. Its annoying, especially when your always doing it...THE WHOLE FLIGHT. Please dont. PLEASE, my sanity begs of you.

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