Monday, June 29, 2009

Is it cold? YES ITS WINTER!

Hi :) this is my first blogy blog and its going to be a rant...mainly because i like to rant. I probably should have called this blog ranting flight attendant :p moving along.....
I like being a flight attendant, i really do....but some people (by some i mean most) ask the stupidest things. This months favourite is "Is it cold in (insert winter destination here) Yes it will be cold because its winter, you should know this because:
A. Your are excited about your PLANNED winter holiday to New Zealand and
B. You spent 3 minutes packing your ridiculously over-sized winter jacket that u planned to bring knowing it will be cold outside in the overhead locker while pissing off everyone who had to wait to get to their seats.

My other favourites this month are:
"Is that snow?" no its cloud because we are still above the Tasman Sea.
"Are those clouds?" no its the Southern Alps with snow on them that the Captain just made a P.A about.
Me : holding clear plastic water jug "would you like some water?"
Man: What is that?
Me: "water, would you like a glass of water?"
Man: Yes but whats in the jug?
Me: "Water"!!!
I understand some people could possibly be very tired after traveling millions of light years to get to NZ and could possibly think that the clear plastic jug filled with water, ice and lemon is actually something else like let say .... Gin and Tonic because New Zealanders do seem to like the occasional alcoholic drink but i think this man was just stupid.
On a happier note...the lady in 16d was so nice yesterday so i gave her chocolates for being so lovely and polite because unfortunatly even though mute people seem to be rare everyone else on the flight seemed to be mute, maybe there was a mute convention on in Akl that i wasnt aware of?